OS X Build Setup
Congratulations. Mac setup, here we go!
Base Install
I'm using a base install of 10.7 for this guide. Other versions should be similar.
You'll want to install XCode, and the current CUDA toolkit. Once XCode is installed, go to preferences->downloads and install the command line tools.
Create a directory for the dependencies/etc. I'll be using ~/CHDev as min.e
Download boost - http://www.boost.org/ should be the starting point here.
cd CHDev tar -xvf ~/Downloads/boost_1_51_0.tar.bz2 cd boost_1_51_0/ ./bootstrap.sh ./b2 install --prefix=../ --without-mpi
Install cmake from http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html - you'll get a dmg with an installer. Install it. You can install the command line tools if you want - I would recommend it.
Grab the protobuf libraries from http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/ - we'll install them in the same place.
cd CHDev tar -xvjf ~/Downloads/protobuf-2.4.1.tar.bz2 cd protobuf-2.4.1/ ./configure --prefix ~/CHDev/ make && make install
Check out the source tree:
svn co https://cryptohaze.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cryptohaze/Cryptohaze-Combined Cryptohaze-Dev
Now, build argtable2:
cd ~/CHDev/Cryptohaze-Dev/dependencies/argtable2-13/ ./configure --prefix=/Users/bitweasil/CHDev/ make && make install
Set up cmake
Launch cmake from Applications.
For the source: /Users/bitweasil/CHDev/Cryptohaze-Dev For the build: /Users/bitweasil/CHDev/Cryptohaze-Dev/build
Use your home directory, obviously...
Click "Configure" and use the Unix Makefile option for build files.
You'll need to add the following to cmake:
BOOST_ROOT = /Users/bitweasil/CHDev/boost_1_51_0 PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR = /Users/bitweasil/CHDev/include/ PROTOBUF_LIBRARY = /Users/bitweasil/CHDev/lib/libprotobuf.a
Once it's happy, click "generate" and it should create you some build files.
Let's try building!
cd ~CHDev/Cryptohaze-Dev/build make -j2 make install
Should work and binaries should be in build/bin for playing around with.