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GRTGen is the tool used to generate table parts. It is designed to generate a large number of table parts that are merged - it is not designed to generate the entire table in one pass. It will put lots of parts in the "parts" directory which are then merged using the GRTMerge utility.



GRTGen-[CUDA | OpenCL] -h [NTLM | MD5 | SHA1] -c charsetfile -l <password length> -i --chainlength <chain length> [options]


Autotune: --autotune

This option is not currently used, and does nothing.

-b (--blocks) Number of thread blocks to run

--bits Bits in the table output

--bfi_int Use AMD gfi_int (OpenCL Only)

-c (--charsetfile) Path to the charset file

--chainlength Integer value for length of each chain

-d (--device) Device to use, default 0

-h (--hashtype) Set the hashtype for the generated rainbow table. Available hashes are NTLM, MD4, MD5, or SHA1

-i (--tableindex) Integer for the table's index

-l (--passwordlen) Integer password length must be greater than 4

-m (--ms) Target step time in ms

--numchains Integer value for number of chains in each table

--numtables Number of tables to create

-p (--platform) Platform to use, default 0

--seed Seed value to use, used for testing

-t (--threads) Number of threads per block

--tableversion Table version 1 or 2, default 2

--vectorwidth Vector width, default 4


GRTGen-CUDA -h MD5 -c ./charsets/charsetall -l 6 -i 0 --chainlength 50000 --numchains 10000000 -t 128 -b 128 -m 500
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