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Uses the generated rainbow tables to crack passwords. There is one version for CUDA and one for OpenCL.


GRTCrack-[CUDA | OpenCL] -h <hash type> -f <hash file> <GRT table file>


 -v, --verbose                 Verbose output
 --silent                      Silence all output
 <file>                        GRT Tables to use
 -s, --hashstring=hashstring   The hash string
 -f, --hashfile=<file>         Hashfile to use
 -h, --hashtype={NTLM, MD4, MD5, SHA1} hash type to crack
 -d, --device=<n>              CUDA device to use
 -m, --ms=<n>                  Target step time in ms
 -b, --blocks=<n>              Number of thread blocks to run
 -t, --threads=<n>             Number of threads per block
 -z, --zerocopy                Use zerocopy memory
 -o, --outputfile=outputfile   Output file for results
 --hexoutput                   Adds hex output to all hash outputs
 --debug                       Use debug display class
 --devdebug                    Developer debugging output
 --prefetch=<n>                Number of prefetch threads
 --tableurl=<URL>              URL of the web table script
 --tableusername=<username>    Username, if required, for the web table script
 --tablepassword=<password>    Password, if required, for the web table script
 --skip=<n>                    Number of candidate hashes to skip
 --debugdumpfiles=<filename>   Filename base to dump candidates and chains to


This is how you would crack a single SHA1 hash:

./GRTCrack-CUDA --hashtype=SHA1 -s 23c36797144ced8595d0fc4261de24beca147acf parts/SHA1-len5-idx0-chr36-cl200000-sd1886568347-0-v2.part --debug

There's actually currently a bug in the code which will prevent that from working, so you'll actually need to do this:

echo "23c36797144ced8595d0fc4261de24beca147acf" > password.sha1.txt
./GRTCrack-CUDA --hashtype=SHA1 -f password.sha1.txt parts/SHA1-len5-idx0-chr36-cl200000-sd1886568347-0-v2.part

Actually, there's a limitation which prevents you from cracking 5 character passwords. Instead, you'll get an error message like this: "Password length 5 not supported!"

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