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And let's try a Multihash GRT for MacOS! (beta2)

PostPosted: Tue May 24, 2011 4:29 am
by Bitweasil
Same deal as the Linux version.

You may need to use the "./" script if things complain about missing libraries. If so, please let me know.


GRTMerge now takes the "-m" argument to tell it how many megabytes to use. This should be roughly half your RAM, since it actually uses a ton more. It's a lot faster than the old one, but generates slightly different output. Still an open issue I'm working on...

GRTCrack is the big set of changes.

It now takes, instead of the "-s [hash]" argument, a "-f [hashfile]" argument.

The hashfile is a standard newline separated hash file.

It also right now ONLY SUPPORTS MD5 len 6-10. If it claims to do some other hash... it's lying. Seriously. MD5 ONLY! Still a work in progress, but I wanted to get it out there.

Feedback welcome!

Re: And let's try a Multihash GRT for MacOS! (beta2)

PostPosted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:33 pm
by Bitweasil
... did this work for anyone?