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reporting wrong number of cores, and not getting hot

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:29 am
by freezway
So i have a gtx 460 yet it only reports having 56 cores. even when I run with --threads 512 it doesnt get hot like when doing other GPU intense things (heaven benchmark, folding@home).

Is this normal? I'm getting ~800MH/s on a NTLM hash

Re: reporting wrong number of cores, and not getting hot

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:48 am
by Bitweasil
1. Yes, 800M is about right for a 460.
2. What version are you using? If you're using 0.72, it's terrible, use 0.80 linked in the forum.

What temps are you seeing? I work my cards with the tools & they get pretty toasty.

//EDIT: If you're seeing the wrong core count, you're probably on 0.72. It's default block/thread counts are terrible.

Re: reporting wrong number of cores, and not getting hot

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:28 am
by kevinkk5
i have also a 460GTX (but from MSI) and the core count is the same for me. that´s normal. and 800M/s is normal.
but the temperature gets quite high, although it´s no problem with my MSI 460GTX hawk to keep it under 65° with a maximum of 70% cooling power.
maybe you get the wrong temperature? how high is the gpu-usage?