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What GPU are you using for the Multiforcer?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:51 am
by Bitweasil
I'm trying to get a grasp on what people are actually using for this tool.

I'm thinking of dropping official support for "old" cards and only supporting newer ones. Or, at least, having some custom kernels for Fermi.

I'm also interested in your *primary* cores for cracking - if you mostly use a quad-GTX480 cluster and occasionally play around on your laptop, answer Fermi.

So, what do you use?

I only care about general architecture.
nVidia 8xxx/9xxx series: G80, G92 cores.
GT200 core: GTX2xx series
GF100 core: GTX4xx/5xx series (Fermi)
Laptop: Any laptop chipset (please specify below)

Thanks! This will help me focus my efforts.